Of the many psalms in the psalter, Psalm 90 stands out in significance. It is attributed to Moses and is considered the oldest psalm in the Bible. 1C. Hassell Bullock. Psalm :Volume 2 (Teach the Text Commentary Series). (Grand Rapids: Baker Books,2017), 146.It is also considered to be the only psalm written by Moses. 2Ibid. Psalm 90 is the closing psalm of Book 3 of the psalter and marks the end of an era in Israelite history. This passage draws from the experience of the wilderness exile during which the Israelites wandered for forty years after failing to enter the promised land. Due to this, Moses offers to the community a prayerful response to the distress of exile and failure of the Davidic covenant described by the previous psalm, Psalm 89. 3 Ibid, 49-50. Matthew Henry 4Matthew Henry. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon),An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of the Book of Psalms. (Grand Rapids, MI: Christian Classics Ethereal Library),1085.observes it is likely that Moses wrote Psalm 90 as a daily prayer for both individual and community worship. It is a enduring psalm that has been used for worship and instruction throughout the generations. Psalm 90 draws contrast to the shortness of man’s life compared with God’s eternal reign. Psalm 90 contains lament for sin and also provides reassurance of God’s mercy and fidelity. Psalm 90 reminds the reader of renewed hope found in God’s covenantal promises of refuge and redemption. There is also great reassurance in recognizing God’s eternal sovereignty over all things. This brief and powerful psalm is an important one to come back to again and again – a source of rich reflection. It is important to remember with humility our fragility, turning to God with trust and repentance. Moses understood that during difficult days, we can find renewal from God’s promises and His sustaining grace.